People often ask me two questions: one, how can the Bible help me, and the second, how to study the Bible?
God's Word is much more than a mere book. The Bible is not an ancient black book filled with theology from yesterday. It is more than a collection of manuscripts and scrolls. It is greater than any human thoughts or ideas that have ever been captured by ink and parchment. It transcends anything that has come out of the minds of Plato, Aristotle, or Shakespeare.
This coming Sunday, we are going to look at Part 3 of the series called “The Struggle Is Real.” Something is always happening!
There are a lot of changes in life, but I want us to look at the kinds of changes you cannot control. Of course, everybody would agree that the world is changing. The only thing you can predict accurately about the future is this: it is going to change. Tomorrow will be different from today. We do not know what it is going to be, but we do know for certain that change is an inevitable part of life. So, you must learn how to deal with it. Life is hard. The struggle is real. While all of us experience seasons of blessing, we are broken people living in a broken world. Everyone struggles. It feels like some struggles are harder than others, and sometimes we wonder why we have certain struggles. We know too that everyone's struggles are not the same...but we can all relate to the fact that the struggle is real.