Christmas is a time to reflect on what matters most and focus on the values that we hold close. This year brings you the most original faith and family Christmas content available, offering more meaningful and quality stories than we have ever had, to celebrate Christmas as it is meant to be. These heartfelt stories will remind you of the faith, hope, and traditions that make Christmas so special. Gather with your loved ones, and let us bring the true spirit of Christmas into your home.
What is your perspective? What will your Christmas celebration be like this year? The one whose birth we celebrate also said this: “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even ‘sinners’ love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even ‘sinners’ do that.” (Luke 6:32-33)
Are you ready for Christmas yet? We have about two weeks to go. Everybody is so busy buying presents that we might be forgetting what the real reason for the season is.
Can I ask you a question, “What is your perspective of Christmas?” This week we are asking that question to a person who is a main player in the Christmas story.
The story of Herod is in contrast with Matthew 2 with the arrival and adoration of the Magi. They provide two pictures of how people respond to the birth of Christ the King. Which picture resembles your heart and life? |