The Church Center app is the best way to stay up-to-date on the latest at Carolinas Cornerstone.
Get connected in Life Groups, register for events, setup your automatic tithes and give back.
The Church Center app is the best way to stay up-to-date on the latest at Carolinas Cornerstone.
Get connected in Life Groups, register for events, setup your automatic tithes and give back.
1. Download the app
The app is available for iOS and Android using the links below. We recommend using the mobile app because it so easy to see and gives you access on the go, but you can also go to the Church Center web app. The features are the same in the mobile and web apps. *If you do not have iOS 13.4 or Android 6.0 and up this app will not work on your phone. 2. Log In
On Mobile You’ll only have to do these steps the first time you open the app • Use location – zip code 29708 • Search for Carolinas Cornerstone • Tap Next to agree to the terms of service and privacy policy |
On Web
Open the Church Center page using the link below. In your browser, select Log In at the top right corner of the page.
Open the Church Center page using the link below. In your browser, select Log In at the top right corner of the page.
Next, you’ll be prompted to enter your phone number (or email if you prefer). Enter the six-digit code you receive back via text (or email if you chose that option). If you already have a profile in Planning Center (from serving, being in a group, registering for an event or giving to CLC online), you’ll be asked to verify your name. If you don’t already have a profile, you can create one at this point by adding your name and email.
Church Center App to Register for Events
How to Register for a Signup in Church Center
How to Register for a Detailed Signup in Church Center
Church Center App for Life Groups
Getting Started with Planning Center
How to Connect with Your Group on Church Center as A Group Member
All About Group Messaging in the Church Center App!
Church Center App for Life Group Leaders
Life Group Leaders: Serious about your Life Group? Watch this!
Group Leaders: How to Effortlessly take Attendance in Your Life Group
Personal information is...personal, and we all want to have control over who can access our email or phone number, even if it's with people at church.
In Church Center, you as the group member controls what contact information you’d like to share with each group you're a part of. When you log in to Church Center, they’ll see an option to Review Shared Information in your groups. |
From there, you can choose the information you want to share with that particular group, and save the same settings for any other groups you are currently in.
- Click on your photo or initials at the top-right corner of the screen to go into the “Account” screen.
- To update your personal information, click on your name/photo at the top. This will take you to the “Edit Profile” screen. Click on each item to modify it. When done, click the Update link at the top-right of the screen. You may also update your personal photo from here. Click on the existing photo or the “Update Photo” link (at the top of the “Edit Profile” screen). Then upload a photo from your device.
- For heads of households: to update your household information, from the Account screen, click on the photos or initials under the “My Household” section. It will take you to a listing of your household members. Click on each member of your household to update their information. Just like updating your own information, click on each item to edit it, then make sure to click the “Update” link at the top-right of the screen. Note: if you need to add or remove a household member, there is a link at the bottom of the page to contact us by email. We’ll be happy to help you out.
- Click on your photo or initials at the top-right corner of the screen to go into the “Account” screen.
- Click on “My Giving”
- To view your giving history, click on “Donation History” to see a listing of your most recent gifts.
- To view and update recurring donations, click on the “Recurring Donations” link then on the specific recurring donation you want to edit. You will be able to modify that donation, pick the payment method for it, and change the schedule.
- To add or update a payment method (credit card or other), click on the “Payment Methods” link and either add a bank account or credit card, or click on an existing payment method to update it. This is a great way to update your credit card expiration date.
- “Notification Preferences” allow you to update how you are notified for online donations.
- Finally, the “Statements” button will allow you to view year-end giving statements once they are created each year (coming soon).
Need Help?
Get Help
If you have any questions about the Church Center app or could use a little help getting started, please feel free to reach out to the CC office by emailing Rhonda at [email protected]. Please note the office hours are 8:00AM-4:00PM Monday - Friday. We will get back with you as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about the Church Center app or could use a little help getting started, please feel free to reach out to the CC office by emailing Rhonda at [email protected]. Please note the office hours are 8:00AM-4:00PM Monday - Friday. We will get back with you as soon as possible.
A Special thank you to Apex UMC for allowing us to use their videos.