Easter Sunday is the most important day of the year for you and me. Everything we believe and share hinges on this day. Everything I have ever shared is based on this Easter! See for yourself!
Resurrection Sunday is the central event in the church year-the climax of worship, expectation, and celebration. This celebration is also a decisive test of the Church's faithfulness and conviction.
“Palm Sunday,” the day of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem one week prior to his crucifixion and death. In case some of you are wondering why this is called “Palm Sunday,” it is because according to the Gospel of John the crowds in Jerusalem came out to greet Jesus carrying palm branches, which they either waved or strewed in his path. The palm branch was a symbol of triumph and victory in Jewish tradition and in other parts of the Bible (Leviticus 23:40 and Revelation 7:9 NIV). So, what does this mean?
Can I ask you a question, “How do you see others?” What is the right way to look at a person? As I always say, look to God’s Word to find the answer. Jesus shows us how to see others. “When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.” (Mark 6:34 NIV)
How does a believer keep his or her motivation? Understand the motivation of the new believer. But how does one stay motivated in day-to-day living, year after year?
Motivation is an art, and like any art, it requires wisdom and skill. And like any art, it can be done poorly. An agitated verbal assault from the pulpit may be an awkward spectacle that goes viral on YouTube, but we know berating Christians into service by a verbal lashing from the pulpit is a powerless strategy. |