Did you know that generosity is the most talked about value in the Bible? More than faith, hope, or love? The word “faith” is mentioned 246 times in the Bible. The word “hope” is used 185 times. The word “love” and all its derivatives are used 733 times. And the word “gives” or “giving” is used 2285 times.
The Bible tells us that tithing is a way to show that we trust God with our lives and our finances. Because here is the deal: Tithing is not for God’s benefit. He does not need our money. Instead, tithing is meant for our benefit because sacrificing a portion of our income reminds us to rely on God to meet our needs. Plus, it makes us more aware of the needs of others.
Can I ask you a couple of questions? What is in your heart? What is your attitude about tithing to the church? Let's look at what God’s Word says about the attitude of giving.
What if I told you that I have a heart condition? What would your reaction be? Would you respond with gasps of "oh no?" Or, would you feel sorry for me? The truth is, I do have a heart condition…and so do you.
Have you ever been talking with someone, and they ask you a question about the Bible and you did not know the answer? If your answer is YES, I want you to know you are not alone. Sometimes people come to me and ask questions that I really do not have the answers to. I often feel bad about it, but I remind myself that no one has all the answers. So, what I do in this situation is tell the person that I don’t know the answer, but I would love to research it and get back to you.
All of us have faults. Even though Satan will try to get you to deny them, God is not afraid of your flaws. Since God wants us to be genuine people with genuine faith, the Bible says we must deal with our faults responsibly. In the brilliant light of Christ’s presence, our fracture lines will display themselves. Even if things are going smoothly right now, in the future you will get squeezed. God knows the areas you need to strengthen to prevent failure. Dealing with your faults now will shore up your character so you will not crack under pressure. If you work to overcome your faults in interaction with the Holy Spirit, who knows what the future holds, God will heal you and help you triumph over life’s testing.
When your world is falling apart, who do you trust? When your heart is so heavy with burdens, who do you trust to share them with?
I learned several verses years ago that often I quote, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” That is Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV. Have you ever thought God wants you to be a peacemaker? What does a peacemaker mean? It is a person who is actively seeking to reconcile people to God and to one another.
This week’s verse is Matthew 5:9 NIV. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Did you know that since the end of World War II, there have been more than 250 major wars worldwide? Obviously, peace is a rare commodity, and peacemakers have not been successful. Over one million marriages end in divorce yearly in the United States. Often, families have members who refuse to speak to one another. Despite man's best efforts, the world's longing for peace remains unfulfilled. Each new generation is optimistic for reconciliation among people and nations but, in the end, faces disappointment. Is it even possible to live peaceably with others? One of the toughest struggles in the Christian walk is studying the Bible. It is not a Bible study until you do something about it. It is not enough to just put thoughts in your mind; it must change your life. The Bible was not given to increase our knowledge. The Bible was given to change our lives. So, the last step in every Bible study is: What am I going to do about it?
People often ask me two questions: one, how can the Bible help me, and the second, how to study the Bible?
God's Word is much more than a mere book. The Bible is not an ancient black book filled with theology from yesterday. It is more than a collection of manuscripts and scrolls. It is greater than any human thoughts or ideas that have ever been captured by ink and parchment. It transcends anything that has come out of the minds of Plato, Aristotle, or Shakespeare. |
October 2024
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