I started thinking weeks ago, wondering what the one thing we should be doing every day? Encouraging each other, yes. Helping people, yes. Serving others, yes. Loving others, yes. Caring about others, yes. Everything we do should be “leading others to Jesus Christ.” But why don’t we? I am sure there are many reasons, but the main reason is not our top priority. At the end of your life, if you were asked, “How can you determine if your life was worthwhile?” How would you answer that? You come to the end of your life and start reviewing it, and you say, “Did my life count? Did my life make a difference, an impact?” What are you going to look for? Wealth? Fame? Popularity? Pleasure? Experiences you had in life. Who are you investing in? Family, friends, people you work with, or people you go to school with. Scripture teaches us to tell others about Jesus Christ. And while sharing the gospel is impressive, it is simply not enough. We should continue to encourage and invest in new believers. Many do not know where to begin reading in the Bible or how to spend time with their heavenly Father. Of course, God takes each person's spiritual journey seriously, and He will not leave a seeking heart unsatisfied. At the same time, we have a responsibility to invest in the lives of spiritual brothers and sisters by sharing our understanding and experience. We do this every day at Carolinas Cornerstone, through Life Groups! This type of teaching is called discipleship, and it is both an honor and a great responsibility. As you commence this type of relationship, consider the following points:
As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” In Mark 10, we meet a man known as the Rich Young Ruler. He is a good man, a religious man, and he recognizes something unique in Jesus. He humbles himself and asks Jesus what he needs to do to inherit eternal life. That is not a typical question for a wealthy young person; his heart is bent toward God. He tells Jesus he has kept the commandments, and Jesus says, “Then you are only lacking one thing. You need to sell your things and follow me.” It is the same invitation that Peter, James, and John received. But the young man went away saddened because he was wealthy and thought the invitation was too costly. Did Jesus need his wealth? No. He was giving him an invitation to a life far beyond what his earthly riches could provide. The man was thoroughly invested in time and had a small imagination of eternity. Think about it this way:, what you do now on earth will impact you for all eternity. Where are you sowing your seeds? Where, what, and who are you investing in? There are people on their way to hell right now, and as servants of Christ, it is our job to do all we can to reach them. They are our investment. Witnessing to the lost with our lives, as well as our words, is how we will truly build up rewards in heaven. For people in your life, you may be the only Jesus they ever see. In other words, our obedience to Christ’s call to reach them may be the only thing that can bring them to Him. What they do once we reach them is up to them. Do not assume you know how they will react to Christ’s call on their life. Instead, ask yourself if you are remaining obedient to Christ’s call in yours. Most of us learned, struggled, and learned some more before we began to understand the basics of life in Christ. Godly mentors can be a tremendous help. And remember, no matter how long we have believed, we never stop needing advice and encouragement from those farther along in the journey. How are we investing our:
In John’s gospel, you see an amazingly simple yet profound practice that Jesus employs in order that his mission will continue after his death and resurrection: the practice of invitation. In John 1:35-51, Jesus first invested in people; He extended the invitation to Andrew, Peter, and Phillip by simply calling them to “Come and See” and “Follow Me”. Although these would-be disciples have no idea what is in store for them, they drop what they are doing and begin the journey of learning from Jesus. If your aim is to make disciples, this practice is essential for you as well. I believe the simple and intentional practice of extending an invitation to another person to teach them the truth of Christ and model for them a life in Christ is what is often missing in our attempts to make disciples. Who are you investing in? Who’s lives are you making a difference in? Make Every Day Count! Pastor Barry Yates
Jesse Samples Sr
9/2/2024 04:43:06 pm
Great message Brother, we continue praying for you and your loved ones and for your great work you are doing for us.
Emily Wright
12/2/2024 11:08:16 am
I am investing in myself and my children. I am trying to Love myself and I know Jesus is be my side. I want more than anything for my marriage to work out. It may be too late but I pray it does. I have been on a journey for spiritual growth while away from Cornerstone (my home church). The Lord told me to seek a specific person out and that the message that Sunday Sermon at 10am was for me. The Rev. was a vessel and the message was “We need more Moses”. To reach others, I have to understand them. I went out in search but stayed with The Baptist. I believe they are the closed “anyone can get to the Bible” in practice, doctrine, and teaching. I dedicated the past two years to Growth. As I was seeking my passions, I neglected time with my husband and family. Material possessions- I don’t care about. I have led people to Christ, in many ways. There are more to bring- “We need more Moses”-it is My Children that I need to teach now. I need encouragement. I need a Barnabas at this time. Barry, I tear up when I think about all the time you invested in me. You are a teacher, didn’t give up on this Sinner, I can thank you and the Church congregation for all that I learned and for bringing me to Christ. I praise the good Lord that he allowed in you to Baptize me, marriage ceremony, and even be present at my Fathers funeral. I don’t need as much of your precious time at this point in my life. But I do need encouragement and I don’t ever want to stop learning. If you have time, please reach out. Give me the Push I need to come back and bring the children.
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